a sacred voice
for the feminine
I’m so glad that you’re here. My name is Nicol Natale, and I’m a writer, reiki master, international yoga and meditation guide, and retreat space holder. As a lifelong empath and intuitive, I was born with a deep awareness of our connection to spirit. But then came the trauma. In my early 20’s, I developed severe anxiety, chronic ovarian cysts, and a range of other imbalances of my womb that sparked a journey of healing.
In 2021, I took the risk of a lifetime by quitting my job as a magazine editor and moving to Hawai’i. It was in following my heart’s calling that I was able to reconnect with my soul, find healing, and align with my authentic expression. Today, my life’s passion is to help others find this sense of balance, healing, and embodiment in their own lives through my writing, reiki, yoga, meditation, workshop, and retreat offerings.

My work can be summed up in two words:
Sacred Embodiment

Let’s Take It Back to the Beginning
I wasn’t always empowered in my divine feminine energy. In fact, I grew up extremely disconnected to the remembrance of my own sacredness and power. I spent nearly three decades of my life outsourcing my worthiness and failing to prioritize self-care. This led to internalizing a need to “earn” love, approval, and grace from my family, friends, strangers, and romantic relationships (and in walked those cheating, narcissistic partners)
In an attempt to earn external love and respect, I worked pretty hard to succeed — straight A’s, division I soccer, and a series of shiny magazine editor jobs in New York City were not unfamiliar to me. But slowly, extreme burnout, disconnection to my womb, and an unstable inner foundation began to chip away at my mind, body and spirit, until I developed chronic ovarian cysts and found myself in-and-out of the ER for over 5 years.

Sometimes our most painful experiences are our deepest teachers. If I had chosen to put a bandaid over my disease instead of dropping into my body and listening, life would have unfolded so differently. It was in my deepest moments of pain, surrender, and softening that I was able to hear the callings of my heart and recognize how I had been living in such misalignment and treating my body and energy so poorly.
I took a leap of faith and quit the magazine job I worked so hard for to pick up and move to Hawai’i without a plan other than to find healing. And boy did my life transform.
Today, I am happy to report that I no longer experience ovarian cysts — they nearly vanished when I arrived on island and prioritized my healing. I began to write as a contractor so I could set my own rates and schedule, launched my business using the blueprint of all that I have learned (and am continuing to learn) around woman’s health and healing, have led meditations and yoga to crowds of hundreds around the world, and attracted a love that’s built upon the deepest devotion to love, respect, adventure, and growth together.
Most importantly, I have never felt so safe, trusting, worthy, and connected to the power of my divine feminine essence from within, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.
And I want this for you, too.

Of unearthing my
most empowered self
Life is a journey of ups and downs. Accepting change and trusting where you’re being led will help you see growth as an essential step in your evolution towards your happiest, most abundant, and free self.
Our power exists in remembering the divinity of our feminine essence. Gone are the days of quieting the feminine voice. May all women heal the pain and trauma in their wombs, learn to connect and sync with their menstrual cycles, embrace their sensuality, lead a pleasure-centered life, and find community in sisterhood.
Our bodies always know. Suffering deep pain, whether physical, mental, or emotional, is certainly not fun, but it is a part of the human experience and often leads us to deeper growth and alignment. Instead of dissociating, learning to listen to our bodies and see them as on our side will help alleviate pain and suffering.
Creativity is our birthright. The same pulse of life that created the universe also beats in our hearts. Understanding that we are divine creators with an inherent blueprint to manifesting what we desire through the pure joy of creativity of our deepest dreams aligns us with all that we are worthy of claiming. This is available to everyone, should you choose to recognize the big light that you hold, take risks, and trust the path of the unknown.
Quick Facts
Helping women rise in power
Just For Fun